Akram presented a poster and gave a live demo in IEEE Sensors Conference Overview Muhammad Akram Karimi, Ph.D. student in IMPACT Lab, presented a poster titled "A wearable 3D motion sensing system integrated with a Bluetooth smartphone application-A system level overview" at IEEE Sensors conference held in Glasgow, Scotland on Nov 1, 2017. During his presentation, he showed fully integrated wearable system for tracking the body movements live in 3D space. A smartphone application was also presented which captures real-time body movement data and a unity-3D based cartoon character replicates the human movements in real time on the mobile application. The system can be expanded to capture full body movements which can find numerous applications in sports, fitness and healthcare industry. During his visit to IEEE Sensors Conference, he also gave a live demonstration of a novel microwave based liquid level sensor. The presented level sensor was unique due to its non-intrusive operation, low-cost realization due to additive manufacturing and high accuracy better than 0.5% over the full range of operation. The live demonstration showed that the sensor can sense any type of liquid inside a dielectric tube. The sensor's response was being analyzed through handheld VNA which was connected to the laptop using Ethernet cable. A custom designed Graphical User Interface (GUI) was shown to provide accurate level sensing in real time. All the post-processing, data handling, look-up tables and real-time data mapping was embedded in a windows based application. This kind of sensor finds numerous application to sense and characterize fluids in oil&gas and biomedical industry.