Gaurav's Waste Energy Harvesting work highlighted on KAUST Discovery and other technology websites!
Gaurav's work on waste energy harvesting through MIM based rectennas has been highlighted in KAUST Discovery with the title "Round The Clock Power From Smart Bowties."
Gaurav's work on waste energy harvesting through MIM based rectennas has been highlighted in KAUST Discovery with the title "Round The Clock Power From Smart Bowties." This paper shows for the first time collection and conversion of waste heat into useful electricity. This has been reported in the paper which is published in Material Today Energy (see citation below).
G. Jayaswal, A. Belkadi, A. Meredov, B. Pelz, G. Moddel, and A. Shamim, "Optical Rectification Through an Al2O3 Based MIM Passive Rectenna at 28.3 THz ", Materials Today Energy (Elseveir), Volume 7, 2018.