IMPACTS News Archive OverviewMuhammad Akram Karimi's PhD work was runners up the finals of ADIPEC Breakthrough Reesarch of the year 2019 award3/17/2020PhD work of Muhammad Akram Karimi from on Smart pipe joints was runners up the finals of ADIPEC Breakthrough Reesarch of the year 2019 award.Our Team “Blindsee” has made it to the finals of the 2020 APS Student Design Contest2/27/2020Our Team “Blindsee” has made it to the finals of the 2020 APS Student Design Contest.Muhammad Akram Karimi wins 3 Minute Thesis Competition at prestigious IEEE Microwave Symposium6/7/2019Muhammad Akram Karimi wins 3 Minute Thesis Competition at prestigious IEEE Microwave SymposiumHaoran's Master Thesis Defense5/2/2019Haoran Zhang has successfully defended his Master thesis.Prof. Shamim gave opening Plenary talk at ACES 2019 (Miami)4/15/2019Prof. Atif Shamim was invited as a plenary speaker for Applied Computational Electromagnetic Symposium (ACES) 2019.A head impact alert system was designed by four international students from KAUST Microelectronics Winter Camp3/1/2019A head impact alert system was designed by four international students from KAUST Microelectronics Winter Camp.Prof. Shamim was invited to speak at IEEE - AP-S Workshop in Cairo1/29/2019Prof. Shamim was invited to speak at IEEE - AP-S Workshop Emerging Antennas’ Future Perspectives towards 5G Era in Cairo on Jan 29th, 2019.Prof. Shamim gave an invited talk in IEEE MTT/AP Orlando chapter & Raj Mittra Distinguished Lecture Program1/17/2019Prof. Shamim gave an invited talk in IEEE MTT/AP Orlando chapter & Raj Mittra Distinguished Lecture Program in UCF on Jan 17th, 2019. The topic is entitiled “Flexible, Wearable, Disposable Wireless Communication and Sensing Systems Through Additive Manufacturing”.Professor Atif Shamim to be the Guest Editor for 2019 IEEE AWPL Special Cluster1/1/2019Prof.Atif Shamim is invited to be one of the guest editors of 2019 IEEE AWPL Special Cluster. The topic of the special cluster is "Antenna-in-Package, Antenna-on-Chip, Antenna-IC Interface: Joint Design and Co-integration”. AWPL is an annual scientific journal with the goal of rapid dissemination of short manuscripts in the antennas and wireless propagation domains. It just reached its record high impact factor of 3.4 in 2018. Here is the link for the special cluster: Lab wins the King Prize for the Best Invention of the year12/31/2018In a yearly competition, held every year by King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), IMPACT Lab has emerged as a winner for the King Prize in the Inventors category. The prize has been given for the work done by PhD student Muhammad Akram Karimi and Prof. Atif Shamim on Microwave Sensors for Oil Industry in Collaboration with Saudi Aramco (Dr. Muhammad Arsalan). This is the first time a KAUST faculty has won this prestigious award. More details can be found in the following links. Shamim gave keynote talk at InCAP 201812/26/2018Prof. Atif Shamim was invited as a keynote speaker for Indian Conference on Antennas & Propagation (InCAP) 2018 held in Hyderabad, India. Prof. Shamim gave the keynote talk of the conference on the topic of "Additively Manufactured Flexible and Wearable Antenna Systems,”. Details of the talk can be found at the following link. Atif Shamim delivered an invited talk in Texas Instrument, USA11/15/2018Prof. Atif Shamim was invited to the Printed Electronics Research Lab (PERL) which is part of Kilby Labs in Texas Instruments Headquarters in Dallas USA. He gave a talk on Printed RF Electronics, which was very well attended. The talk has also led to research collaboration between PERL and IMPACT Labs.World's first fully printed MIT based Radio Frequency Switch10/16/2018World's first fully printed MIT based Radio Frequency Switch.Azamat’s work on RF Energy Harvesting published in Nano-Energy10/15/2018Azamat’s work on RF Energy Harvesting published in Nano-Energy.Lockheed Martin CTO visits IMPACT Lab10/4/2018Lockheed Martin Corporation is an American global aerospace, defense, security and advanced technologies company with worldwide interests. Lockheed Martin Chief Technology Officer Keoki Jackson and other senior members visited IMPACT lab on October 4th 2018. Lockheed Martin showed keen interest in IMPACT lab projects.Revolution in Electronics Ink6/24/2018Our magnetic ink work has been highlighted in Chemical Today Magazine wit the title "Revolution in Electronics Ink" in digital issue of June 2018.For detail see the link: (Slides 58-59)'s IEEE TAP paper made it to the final of the R. W. P. King Award Competition6/1/2018Kirill's paper on semi-transparent ground plane based antennas in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation was shortlisted as a finalist for R. W. P. King IEEE Award. K. Klionovski, A. Shamim, "Back Radiation Suppression through a Semitransparent Ground Plane for a mm-Wave Patch Antenna,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2017, 65, 3935.Vaseem's Magnetic work highlighted on KAUST Discovery and also got several media attention in technology websites!!4/20/2018Vaseem's Magnetic work highlighted on KAUST Discovery and also got several media attention in technology websites!!Cover Picture for "Advanced Materials Technologies"4/20/2018Cover Picture for "Advanced Materials Technologies".Smart Disposable Sensor Work Story on KAUST Main Page3/19/2018Smart Disposable Sensor Work Story on KAUST Main Page's work on smart sensors for IOT reported in Air, Water, Environment International Magazine2/24/2018Fahad's work on 3D printed disposable sensors for environmental monitoring and early warning system for disasters has been picked up by Air, Water, Environment International Magazine. The article titled "Disposable Lifesaving Sensors" on this work can be read at the following link. students visit to IMPACT Lab2/14/2018Twenty-two undergraduate students from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, visited IMPACT Lab as part of one week Winter Camp at KAUST. See the video of their lab tour below. Bluetooth Tags on marine animals attract interest from Spanish Media and National Geographic2/10/2018The flexible bluetooth TAGS were recently tested on marine animals (fish, turtle, crabs, etc) in a facility in Valencia Spain. This research attracts interest from Spanish Media and National Geographic.Gaurav's Waste Energy Harvesting work highlighted on KAUST Discovery and other technology websites!!2/7/2018Gaurav work on waste energy harvesting through MIM based rectennas has been highlighted in KAUST Discovery with the title "Round The Clock Power From Smart Bowties".Vaseem's magnetic ink based work has been accepted in Advanced Materials Technologies2/6/2018Vaseem's work related to magnetic ink development has been published in Advanced Materials Technologies (Wiley Publications). In this work, we have shown for the first time that "magnets can be printed" through an innovative magnetic nano-particles based ink. We show how complete free standing substrates can be printed with this ink. The real advantage lies in the fact that you can make electronic components on these magnetic substrates and can control or tune their performance through an applied magnetic field. We have shown how one antenna can be used for multiple frequency bands instead of having multiple antennas.'s work has been accepted in Materials Today Energy11/2/2017Gaurav's work in collaboration with the University of Colorado-Boulder has been accepted for publication in Materials Today Energy Journal (Elsevier). Herein we have shown for the first time the waste heat energy harvesting by using a complete passive rectenna system. Akram presented a poster and gave a live demo in IEEE Sensors Conference11/1/2017Muhammad Akram Karimi, Ph.D. student in IMPACT Lab, presented a poster titled "A wearable 3D motion sensing system integrated with a Bluetooth smartphone application-A system level overview" at IEEE Sensors conference held in Glasgow, Scotland on Nov 1, 2017. He also gave a live demonstration of a novel microwave based liquid level sensor.Fahad's environmental sensor node work is highlighted on KAUST Discovery!7/23/2017Fahad's paper ' 3D printed disposable wireless sensor with integrated microelectronics for large area environmental monitoring.' is on the KAUST Discovery page with a title as 'Smart Sensors could save lives!'. and Fahad selected for the Three Minute Thesis 3MT competition final at IMS20176/19/2017This year, the premium conference of microwave community, IMS, organized Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition for the very first time. Out of 157 submissions, only 20 were selected as the fina lists of the competition. IMPACT Lab's alumni Farhan Abdul Ghaffar and Fahad Farooqui were short-listed among these top 20 competitors. Farhan Abdul Ghaffar – finished within the top 4 and got Honorable Mention for his presentation. The title of his 3-minute speech was “Don’t Talk Back!”, which investigates the core of Microwave Engineering theoretical concepts in an attempt to bring new applications into satellite communication, where one of the key problem awaiting solution is the tuning and reconfiguration of high-frequency components. Using magnetic tuning the results achieved proved to be highly effective compared to existing methods, in terms of smaller form factor, lower cost and lower power consumption's work has been accepted in Advanced Materials Technologies4/10/2017Fahad's work on 3D-printed fully integrated wireless sensor node has been accepted in Advanced Materials Technologies by Wiley-VCH. IMPACT LAB's students theses shortlisted for IEEE IMS2017 Three Minute Thesis contest2/7/2017This year IEEE IMS, our premium conference, is starting a Three Minute Thesis (3MT(R)) contest. In this contest, students go and present their theses to the audience and the judges in 3minutes. Farhan and Fahad's theses have been shortlisted for competition in this contest. Out Of the 157 submissions (worldwide), only 20 have been selected as competitors in the final stage. IMPACT Lab has two candidates out of these 20 finalists (Proud Moment).Congratulations Fahad and Farhan and Good Luck for the finals.Prof. Shamim's talk in KAUST-NSF Conference:"Additive Manufacturing: A New Platform for Wireless Sensing and Communication"1/31/2017Prof. Shamim gave talk in NSF conference and discussed how for Internet of Things (IOT), billions of sensors with wireless capabilities can be placed on objects or dispersed in environment so that they can sense parameters of interest and communicate the data to other objects for smart decisions making. he mentioned that in order to fulfill the requirements of billions of IoT sensors every year, a paradigm shift is required in manufacturing. That is where additive manufacturing comes into play as it has distinct advantages for low cost and large volume manufacturing of electronics. It is a completely digital process which does not require expensive masks or fabrication steps and excess material is not removed and wasted like typical subtractive methods. With inkjet, screen and gravure printing methods, roll-to-roll and real-to real processing are possible, enabling realization of millions of devices per minute. Prof. Shamim and B. Cook (Director PERL LAB, TI USA) organized Workshop on “Additive Manufacturing"1/10/2017Prof. Shamim and B. Cook, organized a joint Workshop titled “Additive Manufacturing: Creating Bigger, Faster, and Smarter Electronics, in Winter Enrichment programm-2017 in KAUST. This seminar, which was conducted jointly with a world expert and Director of Printed Electronics Lab in Texas Instrument Dallas (Dr. Benjamin Cook), educated participants on Additive Manufacturing such as Inkjet Printing and 3D printing to realize Electronics. These new methods are considered to bring the "Third Industrial Revolution" in Manufacturing. It is expected that these methods will change entirely the manufacturing, supply chain and retail industries.Fahad has successfully defended his PhD thesis11/8/2016Fahad has successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled, "Low-Cost Inkjet-Printed Wireless Sensor Nodes for Environmental and Health Monitoring Applications". The external examiner, Prof. Manos Tentzeris from Georgia Institute of Technology, USA , remarked his thesis to be a high-quality PhD Thesis dealing with the design, fabrication and testing of inkjet-printed wireless sensor modules. Congratulations Fahad!Farhan has successfully defended his PhD thesis11/6/2016Farhan has successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled, "Theory and Design of Tunable and Reconfigurable Microwave Passive Components on Partially Magnetized Ferrite Substrate". The external examiner, Prof. Madhavan Swaminathan from Georgia Tech (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, US) gave good remarks for his thesis. Farhan is now working as Post Doctoral Fellow/Instructor at University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT). Congratulations Farhan!KAUST Ranking 201610/5/2016KAUST is ranked #1 for Citations per Faculty in the QS World University Rankings is ranked #19 in the world of the fastest rising universities for high quality research output in the 2016 Nature Index Rising Stars MECAP 2016 Best paper Award9/27/2016Muhammad Fahad Farooqui has won the best paper award in IEEE Middle East conference on Antennas and Propagation (MECAP), 2016.Our paper has been selected as the Cover Article (Back) for the highly reputable journal Lab on a Chip6/28/2016Our paper has been selected as the Cover Article (Back) for the highly reputable journal Lab on a Chip. .Our paper was selected as the “Top paper for printed Components Category"6/7/2016Our paper was selected as the “Top paper for printed Components Category”, and made it to the finals of best paper competition in IEEE IMS, Tampa, USA, (2014). Akram has been awarded Best Student Paper Award (3rd place) at (IMS) 20165/28/2016Akram has been awarded Best Student Paper Award (3rd place) at (IMS) 2016.Akram's work has been shortlisted in the Student Paper Competition at IMS 20163/6/2016Akram's paper has been selected among the best Student papers in the premium conference, IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS) 2016. The paper is titled “A low cost and pipe conformable microwave-based water-cut sensor” and demonstrates the application of a microwave resonator in the Oil Industry. IMS is the top IEEE conference for RF and microwave community which is highly competitive with a very low acceptance rate. Papers receiving top honors in their own categories will now compete for the “overall best student paper award in the conference” in May 2016.100 % acceptance of IMPACT Lab at the Premier Microwave Conference IMS2/2/2016The following four papers from IMPACT lab have been accepted in International Microwave Symposium (IMS) to be held in May, 2016 in San Fransisco, USA. It is the second time that the group has achieved 100 % acceptance at the most prestigious conference of microwave community.M.A. Karimi, M. Arsalan, A. Shamim, "A low cost and pipe conformable microwave-based water-cut sensor", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), May 2016.F. A. Ghaffar, S. Yang, H. M. Cheema and A. Shamim, "A 24 GHz CMOS Oscillator Transmitter with an Ink-jet Printed On-chip Antenna", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), May 2016.F. A. Ghaffar, M. Vaseem and A. Shamim, "A Ferrite Nano-particle based Printing Process for Tunable Microwave Components", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), May 2016. B. KrykPayev, M. F. Farooqui, A. Shamim "A WiFi Tracking Device Printed Directly on Textile for Wearable Electronics Applications", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), May 2016. Akram's work in collaboration with Integrated Nanotechnology Lab published in inaugural issue of Advanced Material Technologies1/25/2016The paper entitled "Paper Skin Multi-Sensory Platform for Simultaneous Environmental Monitoring" has been accepted for the inaugural issue of Advanced Material Technologies. This is a collaborative project between IMPACT Lab and Integrated Nanotechnology Lab. For this work, Akram developed readout circuitry for the real-time measurement of capacitive array using Micro-Controller.Prof. Shamim has been invited to serve in the technical program committee (TPC) of the AP-S, 20161/15/2016Prof. Atif Shamim has been invited to serve in the technical program committee (TPC) of the IEEE international symposium on antennas and propagation (AP-S), 2016. AP-S is the premier conference for antennas and propagation and is a great gathering of all antenna experts worldwide. This year's event will take place in Fajardo, Puerto Rico from the 25th June to the 1st of July, 2016.Vaseem and Garret's work on Silver-Organo-Complex ink in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces1/3/2016The paper entitled "Robust Design of a Particle-Free Silver-Organo-Complex Ink with High Conductivity and Inkjet Stability for Flexible Electronics" is accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (Impact Factor: 6.723). This work was carried out by Dr. Mohammed Vaseem in collaboration with Garret McKerricher.PhD Student Garret McKerricher successfully defended his PhD Thesis12/9/2015Garret has successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Inkjet Printed Radio Frequency Passive Components". His thesis was approved by the examining committee without any revisions. The external examiner was Prof. Vivek Subramanian from UC Berkley, US, who regarded it to be a high quality work. Congratulations Garret!!Bauyrzhan's MS Thesis Defense12/2/2015Masters student of IMPACT Lab, Bauyrzhan Krykpayev has successfully defended his thesis. His thesis is entitled "A WiFi Tracking Device Printed Directly on Textile for Wearable Electronics Applications". This was a multi disciplinary work requiring skills of antenna design, inkjet printing, programing and control. Bauyr showed great skills in all these fields and produced a high quality Masters thesis. Congratulations Bauyr!!!Our recent paper on Stretchable and Wearable antenna is selected as the cover article for high impact factor journal “Advanced Functional Materials”.11/9/2015Our recent paper on Stretchable and Wearable antenna is selected as the cover article for high impact factor journal “Advanced Functional Materials”..Farhan's stretchable antenna paper in Advanced Functional Materials8/28/2015Farhan's paper on stretchable and flexible antenna design is accepted in Advanced Functional Material.Adnan, Mahmoud and Akram's Masters Thesis Defense7/15/2015Three Masters students of IMPACT Lab i.e. Adnan Ahmed Khan, Mahmoud Nafe and Muhammad Akram Karimi have successfully defended thier thesis. Congratulations to all three of them.Ahmed's paper on Ferrite LTCC phase shifter accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques7/1/2015Ahmed’s MS thesis work on integrable reciprocal and non-reciprocal ferrite LTCC phase shifters has been published in the IEEE transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.IEEE Distinguished Lecturer and Canada Research Chair in Electromagnetic Engineering Prof. Yahya Antar visited IMPACT Lab4/2/2015Prof. Yahya Antar visited IMPACT Lab in Spring 2015. Prof. Antar is an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer of AP/MTT Society and Canada Research Chair in Electromagnetic Engineering. Prof. Antar is a Fellow of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) and a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada (FEIC). He serves as an Associate Editor (Features) of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine and served as Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE AWPL. He served on NSERC grants selection and strategic grants committees, Ontario Early Research Awards (ERA) panels, and on review panels for the National Science Foundation. He was awarded the Royal Military College of Canada “Excellence in Research” Prize and in 2012 the Class of 1965 Teaching Excellence Award. He served on the URSI Board as Vice President, and on the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Administration Committee. On 31 January 2011, Prof. Antar was appointed Member of the Canadian Defence Science Advisory Board (DSAB). In October 2012 he received from the Governor General of Canada, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal in recognition for his contribution to Canada.Eyad's PhD thesis receives high accolades3/26/2015Eyad Arabi has successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Miniaturized and Ferrite Based Tunable Bandpass Filters in LCP and LTCC Technologies for SoP Applications". His work received high accolades from the examining committee, particularly the external examiner Prof. Manos Tentzeris from Georgia Tech, USA, who regarded it to be a high quality thesis. Congratulations Eyad!!!Eyad has accepted a position in Univeristy of Bristol, UK where he is working as a Research Assistant in the Communication System and Networks Research Group.Farhan's paper on phase shifter accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics2/11/2015Farhan Abdul Ghaffar's paper on ferrite LTCC phase shifter has been published in the IEEE transactions of magnetics. The paper reported for the first time theory and design of a Ferrite LTCC based half mode SIW phase shifter in partially magnetized state. Garret's paper accepted on IEEE Transactions on Electron Device2/3/2015Garret and Popi's paper on fabrication of radio frequency capacitors and inductors by inkjet printing has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. The Title is "Fully inkjet printed RF inductors and capacitors using polymer dielectric and silver nanoparticle ink with through vias.Dr Shamim has been invited to serve in the technical program committee (TPC) of the AP-S, 201511/25/2014Dr Atif Shamim has been invited to serve in the technical program committee (TPC) of the IEEE international symposium on antennas and propagation (AP-S), 2015. AP-S is the premier conference for antennas and propagation and is a great gathering of all antenna experts worldwide. This year's event will take place in Vancouver, BC, Canada from the 19th to the 25th of July, 2015.“THz rectenna for Waste Heat Harvesting” is a Winner of over a Million Dollars of Competitive Funding11/14/2014Our project on the design of terahertz (THz) rectennas for waste heat harvesting has won over 1 Million dollars of competitive funding in CRG-3 competition. The proposal received high accolades from the reviewers, and the judging panel awarded the grant with the following description.“An ambitious project firmly grounded on innovative ideas. The proposed work is challenging and thus of high risk. A successful outcome would represent a major breakthrough in the renewable energy sector and its research outcomes would be beneficial for academia, industry, as well as society.”This is a three year project and will also benefit from collaboration with Prof. Garret Moddel from the University of Colorado at Boulder.Aramco funds Project on Conformal Low Cost Water Cut Sensors11/1/2014Measuring the water content in the oil extracted from the wells has been one of the major concerns of Petroleum industry. Existing sensors operate on either measuring conductivity or capacitance and hence could not detect water content for the entire range of 0-100% due to the phase inversion problem. Furthermore, they are bulky, heavy weight and are extremely expensive. IMPACT Lab has been funded by Aramco to develop new generation water cut sensors which can be deployed directly on pipes to measure water content for the complete range of water content. Our approach of impedance based sensors is expected to alleviate the phase inversion problem.Farhan’s work on Automotive Radar has been granted US Patent10/23/2014In recent years, the fast economic growth around the world resulted in the rapid development of the automobile industry. In addition to the level of comfortability, demand for safety in the cars has also increased. A driver assistance system is an appropriate answer to these challenges that can help the drivers to deal with complex traffic scenarios and improve the user-driving experience.Prof. Shamim and Prof. Claudel's work on smart sensors appeared in KAUST latest research stories10/15/2014Prof. Shamim and Prof. Claudel's work on smart sensors appeared in KAUST latest research stories. .Fahad and Ahmed's paper has been selected as the best paper in inkjet printing in IMS 20144/1/2014Fahad and Ahmed's paper have been selected as the best paper in the “Inkjet-Printed Components category” in the premium conference, IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS) 2014. The paper is titled “Inkjet Printed Ferrite-Filled Rectangular Waveguide X-Band Isolator” and demonstrates for the first time a completely printed waveguide on a ferrite substrate where transmission can be controlled magnetically. IMS is the top IEEE conference for RF and microwave community which is highly competitive with a very low acceptance rate. Some of the other selected papers for various categories are from universities such as University of California Los Angeles, University of Michigan, University of Toronto, Purdue University, University of Texas (Austin) and Carnegie Mellon. Papers receiving top honors in their own categories will now compete for the “overall best student paper award in the conference” in June 2014. Complete list of best papers in each category is given on the following list. Congratulations Fahad and Ahmed!!!!Dr. Atif Shamim delivered an invited talk in Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany3/1/2014Dr. Atif Shamim has been invited to deliver a short course in Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany, titled "On-Chip Antennas: The Last Barrier to True RF System-on-Chip". He also delivered a seminar titled "Inkjet Printed RF Electronics" at the same university.Mena's paper got accepted in Nature Scientific Reports2/15/2014Mena Gadalla and Prof. Atif Shamim’s paper titled “Design, Optimization and fabrication of a 28.3 THz Nano-Rectenna for Infrared detection and rectification” has been accepted for publication by one of world’s best publishing house “Nature Publishing Group”. In this paper, to appear in Nature Scientific Reports, the feasibility of harvesting energy from waste heat and solar energy remissions in the infrared regime is reported. This is achieved by treating the infrared emissions as electromagnetic waves which are collected and converted into electricity by a nano-rectenna device. This pioneering work opens doors to a new paradigm in energy harvesting from ambient renewable energy resources.Dr Shamim has been invited to serve in the technical program committee (TPC) of the AP-S, 20141/5/2014Dr Atif Shamim has been invited to serve in the technical program committee (TPC) of the IEEE international symposium on antennas and propagation (AP-S), 2014. AP-S is the premier conference for antennas and propagation and is a great gathering of all antenna experts worldwide. This year's event will take place in Memphis, Tennessee, USA from the 6th to the 12th of July, 2014.Fahad's paper got accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation1/1/2014Muhammad Fahad Farooqui's paper on inkjet printed flood sensor has been accepted for publication at the IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation. The title of the paper is "An Inkjet Printed Buoyant 3-D Lagrangian Sensor for Real Time Flood Monitoring".Dr. Atif Shamim has delivered an invited talk at NTU, Singapore12/15/2013Dr. Atif Shamim has delivered an invited talk in the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. The title of the talk is "RF SoC and SoP: Enabling Platforms for Miniaturized, Low Cost and Flexible Electronics".Dr. Atif Shamim has delivered an invited talk at NUS, Singapore12/15/2013Dr. Atif Shamim has delivered an invited talk in the National University of Singapore (NUS). The title of the talk was "Inkjet Printed RF Electronics".Dr. Shamim has delivered an invited talk at the IEEE IMWSBIO, 201312/10/2013Dr. Shamim has delivered an invited talk in the IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications (IMWSBIO) held in Singapore, December 2013. The title of the talk is "Implantable Intraocular Pressure Monitoring Systems: Design Considerations".Dr. Shamim invited to give a talk in SBCCI12/1/2013Dr. Atif Shamim has been invited to give a talk at 26th Symposium on Integrated Circuits Systems Design (SBCCI), Curitiba, Brazil, September 2013, titled “A 5.2GHz, 0.5mW RF Powered Wireless Sensor with Dual On-Chip Antennas for Implantable Intraocular Pressure Monitoring”.Farhan's paper on tunable antennas published in IEEE11/1/2013Farhan Abdul Ghaffar's paper on tunable antennas has been published on the IEEE transactions of antenna and propagation. The paper reportd for the first time a completely embedded tunable antenna on a ferrite LTCC substrate. Dr Atif Shamim founded an IEEE chapter in KSA10/21/2013Dr. Atif shamim founded a joined IEEE AP -MTT chapter in the western Saudi Arabia (region 8). The chapter is formed for the two IEEE societies, antennas and propagation (AP) as well as microwave theory and techniques (MTT). The chapter will play an important role in activities related to MTT and AP such as themed workshops, invited distinguished speakers, etc . Dr. Shamim will serve as the chapter's chair.Eyad's paper on SoP components is pubished in PIERC10/1/2013Eyad Arabi's paper on miniaturiazed lumped components and filters has been published on the journal PIERC. The paper introduces for the first time lumped components and bandpass filters on an ultra-thin liquid crystal polymers (LCP) substrate.Dr. Shamim taught an invited short course in SBCCI 2013 (Brazil)9/3/2013Dr. Shamim taught an invited short course on "Co-design and Monolithic Integration of On-chip Antennas and Circuits" in SBCCI 2013 (26th symposium on integrated circuits and systems design), the major annual conference on integrated circuits in Curitiba, Brazil. Atif Shamim appointed Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Antennas & propagation8/23/2013Dr. Atif Shamim has been appointed Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Antennas & propagation (TAP). He has been included in the editorial board due to his work on "Co-design of on-chip antennas and circuits on CMOS platform". Since 1952, TAP has been the premium journal in the field of interest of the IEEE Antennas & Propagation Society. According to the JCR study, released in June 2013, IEEE TAP is ranked number 2nd in the world in terms of Eigenfactor Score and number 9th in terms of impact factor for research journals in telecommunication. According to editor-in-chief’s presentation, TAP is ranked 3rd out of all IEEE publications (275) based on number of downloads from Xplore. Atif Shamim Elevated to Senior Member of IEEE8/23/2013Prof. Atif Shamim has been elevated to the rank of Senior Member of IEEE. This is considered an important honor since only 8% of nearly 400,000 IEEE members are Senior Members because of their superior professional achievements.Dr. Atif Shamim's work on Wireless Dosimeter results in first patent issued to KAUST8/21/2013Dr. Atif Shamims' work on Wireless Dosimeter, jointly with Dr. Arsalan, has been granted a US patent, which is the first patent issued to KAUST. Below is the message from Vice President Economic Development Amin Shibani on this occasion to the university authorities.Dr. Shamim has delivered a full day course in the IEEE, IMS 20136/7/2013Dr. Atif Shamim and Garret Mcerricher have delivered a full day course on “Inkjet Printed RF Electronics” in the IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Seattle, USA, June 2013.Dr. Shamim delivered a course at the IMS, 20136/6/2013Dr. Atif Shamim has delivered a full day course on “Co-Design of On-Chip Antennas and RF circuits for System-on-Chip Applications” in IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Seattle, USA, June 2013.Dr. Atif Shamim delivers two short courses at IMS 20136/2/2013The abstract of the half day course titled, 'Co-Design of On-Chip Antennas and RF circuits for System-on-Chip Applications' is given below and covered the topics published in the IEEE Microwave Magazine article, "The Last Barrier: On-Chip Antennas" [IEEE Link]Antennas are integral part of wireless communication devices and traditionally have remained off the chip resulting in large sized modules. In the last few years, the increased level of integration provided by silicon technologies and emerging applications at millimeter wave frequencies has helped to achieve true System-on-Chip solutions bringing the antennas on the chip. This is because antenna sizes at these frequencies become small enough for practical on-chip realization. At the same time, there are a number of challenges to overcome, for instance impedance matching with active components, silicon substrate losses, layout restrictions, on-chip characterization to name a few. Furthermore, the co-design of circuits and antenna which sometime have contradicting requirements need knowledge of both the domains. This half-day short course aims to discuss the above challenges in detail as well as the proposed solutions. It includes a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art in the field and discusses the upcoming trends in on-chip antennas integrated with circuits from an applications perspective where they are being used in Terahertz, implantable, MEMS and Energy Harvesting applications. A number of onchip antennas and circuits co-design examples will be shown in CMOS and GaN platforms.Dr. Atif Shamim delivers short course in EuCAP 20134/7/2013Dr. Atif Shamim delivers a short course titled, "Design and Characterization of On-Chip Antennas for System-on-Chip Applications" in EuCAP 2013 held in Gothenbord, Sweden. The abstract of the course is below:Learning Objective: Participants will comprehend the design and characterization challenges associated with designing on-chip antennas. They will also learn about some RF and mm wave on-chip antenna designs in various processes and for different applications.IMPACT members win poster competition awards in WEP 2013 at KAUST1/29/2013Master student Mena Gadalla has won the 2nd prize in the Master students category for his poster titled, "Nano Antenna Integrated Rectifier for THz Energy Harvesting." at the Winter Enrichment Program (WEP) 2013 poster competition.Our review Paper (on On-chip Antennas) listed in the Top 10 Popular Articles of IEEE Microwave Magazine (in year 2013). This is based on the statistics of most frequently downloaded papers for this publication in that period.1/28/2013Our review Paper (on On-chip Antennas) listed in the Top 10 Popular Articles of IEEE Microwave Magazine (in year 2013). This is based on the statistics of most frequently downloaded papers for this publication in that period. Premier conference IMS accepts four papers from IMPACT Lab1/21/2013The following four papers from IMPACT lab have been accepted in International Microwave Symposium (IMS) to be held in May, 2013 in Seattle, USA. It is important to note that a 100% acceptance was achieved by the group this year.Garret McKerricher, Jose M. González, Atif Shamim, "All Inkjet Printed Microwave Capacitors and Inductors with Vias" M. F. Farooqui, Rana M. Bilal, Hammad M. Cheema, Atif Shamim, "A Paper Based Inkjet Printed Real Time Location Tracking TAG"M. Arsalan, M. H. Ouda, L. Marnat, T. J. Ahmad, A. Shamim, and K. N. Salama, "A 5.2GHz, 0.5mW RF Powered Wireless Sensor with Dual On-Chip Antennas for Implantable Intraocular Pressure Monitoring"Hattan Abuzaid, Ali Doghri, Atif Shamim, and Ke Wu, "SIW Based Multilayer Transition and Power Divider in LTCC Technology".Joint KAUST-IBM patent filed on novel packaging for on-chip antennas1/12/2013A joint US patent has been filed by IMPACT Lab, KAUST and IBM as part of the on-going collaborative project on novel packaging techniques to improve on-chip antenna performance. Dr. Loic Marnat is working on this project from KAUST side and Dr. Duixian Liu is the IBM collaborator. The details of the patent are below: Loic Marnat, A. Shamim, Duixian Liu, "Package Structures to Improve On-Chip Antenna Performance", U.S. Patent Application No. 13/686377, filed on November 27, 2012.Loic Marnat's work on vertical on-chip antennas to appear in IEEE TAP11/27/2012The paper titled "New Movable Plate for Efficient Millimeter Wave Vertical on-Chip Antennas," written by Loïc Marnat, Armando A. A. Carreno, Ian G. Foulds, Atif Shamim has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, with minor revisions, November 2012.Dr. Atif invited to organize special session at AES11/27/2012Dr. Atif Shamim has been invited to organize a special session at Advanced Electromagnetics Symposium (AES) in Sharjah, UAE on the topic of Wearable and Flexible Antennas. Researchers working in the relevant field are invited to submit the paper before 29th November 2012. The details can be read at the following LINKDr. Atif invited to participate in TPC, AES 2013 and as guest editor of IJAP's special issue on Wearable and RFID Antennas11/26/2012Dr. Atif Shamim has been invited to participate in the Advanced Electromagnetic symposium as a member of technical program committe. The symposium will be held in Sharjah, UAE in March 2013. Symposium LINK.He has also been invited as guest editor for special issue of Internation Journal of Antennas and Propagation on the topic of Wearable and RFID Antennas. Details HERE. Tri-Band inkjet printed antenna paper accepted in IEEE AWPL9/29/2012The paper titled, "Paper-Based Inkjet Printed Tri-Band U-Slot Monopole Antenna for Wireless Applications ," written by Dr. Hattan Abutarboush and Dr. Atif Shamim has been accepted in IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters (AWPL).On-chip Antennas review paper accepted in Microwave Magazine7/25/2012A comprehensive review paper titled, "The Last Barrier: On-Chip Antennas" written by Dr. Hammad Cheema and Dr. Atif Shamim has been accepted in IEEE Microwave Magazine. This paper provides an overview of the requirements and challenges in on-chip antenna design, discusses the state-of-the-art in various integrated circuit technologies and presents the emerging trends in this field. The details of the paper are Hammad M. Cheema, A. Shamim, "The Last Barrier: On-Chip Antennas," IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 79-91, January 2013.The IEEE Link is HERE. Dr. Atif delivers talks in Canada7/6/2012Dr. Atif Shamim has presented research work being done at IMPACT lab during his recent Canada visit. He has given talks at: 1. Department of Electronics, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada "Overview of Research in IMPACT Lab", 29th June 2012.2. Lyngsoe Systems, Toronto, Canada, "Potential of inkjet-printed Electronics for wearable and flexible RFID solutions", 5th July 2012.Journal paper on inkjet printing accepted in IEEE TAP3/27/2012A journal paper titled, "Inkjet Printing of Novel Wideband and High Gain Antennas on Low-Cost Paper Substrate" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation with excellent reviews. One review is below:"The submitted paper presents a detailed characterization of an unusual manufacturing technology for metalizing substrates, as well as its applications to low cost antennas. It is clearly written, complete in its content, and should be of interest to a large part of the antennas and propagation community. Other than that the y-axis of Fig 3b is wrongly (?!) labelled ‘Return loss’ instead of ‘Insertion loss’, I’ve found no errors or sources of confusion. I therefore recommend the submitted paper for publication without revision."IMPACT wins three poster awards at EE Days event2/22/2012IMPACT lab won 3 out of 8 poster awards in EE days poster competition.Workshop on Green Electronics at WEP-2012 KAUST12/1/2011Dr. Atif Shamim hosted a workshop titled Miniaturized, Flexible and Green Electronics for Sensing and Communication Systems as part of the winter enrichment program (WEP 2012) at KAUST. Two distinguished professors, Dr. Manos Tentzeris and Dr. Madhavan Swaminathan from Georgia Institute of Technology shared the latest reserach and trends with a large audience.Journal paper accepted in PIER11/27/2011The following paper has been accepted for publication in the January 2012 issue of PIER.Shamim, M. Arsalan , N. Hojjat, L. Roy, “5 GHz LTCC-Based Aperture Coupled Wireless Transmitter for System-on-Package Applications,”Progress in Electromagnetic Research (PIER) C, Vol. 25, 159-178, Jan 2012.Invited talk at AEC, Riyadh10/23/2011Dr. Atif Shamim delivered an invited talk at Advanced Electronics Company, Riyadh titled 3D Packaging: A step towards system level miniaturization.Invited talk at Toshiba10/14/2011Dr. Atif Shamim delivered an invited talk at Toshiba research lab, Bristol, UK titled Advanced RF Electronics: ICs, Antennas and 3D Packaging on 14th October 2011.IBM project approved10/4/2011The joint project between IMPACT Lab and IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA has been approved for funding. The project proposal titled “Novel Silicon-based SoP Incorporating RFICs with Integrated Antennas for mmWave and THz Applications” has received good reviews from the international experts. The reviewers stated “very interesting proposal with a good team and a state-of-the-art topic”. They consider it as “a good collaboration between Academia and Industry with good prospects for new contribution to the field.”The project will kick start on December 1st, 2011 and the initial funding is for one year. The principal investigators are Dr. Atif Shamim from KAUST University IMPACT Lab and Dr. Duixian Liu from IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center both specialists in on-chip and in-package antenna design and their integration with RFICs.The main objective of the project is the development of a miniature, multi-functional Si-based package for 94 GHz passive imaging system for a number of security, medical and environmental applications with reduced size and cost and increase the performance of a wide range of mm-Wave systems. IMPACT Lab, in collaboration with the IBM PI, will design the original mm-Wave-integrated antenna and the overall package, which will then be fabricated in IBM facility.According to one of the proposal reviewer, this research could lead to “ prototypes in high/low-resistivity silicon, that could set the foundation for sub-THz modules”.Journal papers accepted in IEEE Transactions7/20/2011Two Journal papers have been accepted in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters and IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology. F. A. Ghaffar, M. U. Khalid, K. N. Salama, A. Shamim, “24 GHz LTCC Fractal Antenna Array SoP with Integrated Fresnel Lens”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, accepted paper, July 2011. A. Shamim, J. Bray, N. Hojjat, L. Roy, “Ferrite LTCC Based Antennas for Tunable SoP Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, accepted paper, July 2011.PSATRI Technology Innovation Center6/10/2011A technology innovation center (TIC) proposed by Prince Sultan Advanced Technologies Research Institute (PSATRI) in conjunction with Dr. Atif Shamim has been approved for funding by King Abdulaziz City for Sciences and Technology (KACST).Invited Talk at UC Berkeley6/1/2011Dr. Atif Shamim gave a talk at the department of Electrical and Computer engieering, University of California, Berkeley on April, 4th, 2011. The talk was titled New trends in RF System-on-Chip (SoC) and System-on-Pakcage (SoP) designs.IMPACT students win awards at KAUST Graduate Symposium5/5/2011Miguel Martinez, was awarded the best project award for masters students in the Graduate Research Symposium, held a KAUST on 4th and 5th May, 2011.Farhan Abdul Ghaffar was awarded the third best project award among PhD students. His project was about a novel System-on-Package (SoP) for automotive radar applications.Congratulations Miguel and Farhan !!!Dr. Atif Shamim and Dr. Ahmad Radwan organizing a special session at PIERS5/4/2011Dr. Atif Shamim and Dr. Ahmad Radwan are organizing a special session at Progress in Electromagnetic Symposium (PIERS) to be held in Kuala Lumpur between 27-30 March 2012. The session is titled design and modelling of wideband antennas.Dr. Atif Shamim organizes a special session at ACES 20112/28/2011Dr. Atif Shamim, and Dr. Langis Roy (Carleton University, Canada) organised a special session at the 27th applied computational electromagnetics (ACES) conference in Williamsburg, Virginia, on March 28th, 2011. The session was titled System-on-Package (SoP) wireless components.